In Loving Memory of Gail
On December 10, 2016, Gail Klepel went home to be with Jesus instantly from cardiac arrest while we were at home in Chiangmai Thailand. The loss of Gail, was so sudden and unexpected that there was not even one second to say goodbye. She was immediately ushered into the presence of Jesus without any pain or suffering. Gail served in Thailand for over 34 years. I was privileged to serve 26 of those years together with her.
We commemorated Gail’s life first in a memorial service in Thailand on December 14, 2016, surrounded by over 250 people whose lives had been enriched by Gail's life, love and laughter. Rev. Wirachai Kowae, the founder of the Thailand Assemblies of God gave a very personal and moving message commemorating Gail's life, and recognizing her as the first Assembly of God Missionary to literally give their life in Thailand as a "one way ticket" missionary. He said, when you leave someone, you can say goodbye in two ways. You can say goodbye which means you do not know when or if you will see them again. Or you can say “ Good Night” which means “ I will see you in the morning”.
Saying "Goodnight" and "See you in the morning" to Gail so suddenly is indeed hard for me, our family and friends and the lives of so many people that were touched by her life of ministry. Gail invested in the lives of others with love and compassion and with laughter and a smile. She was an inspiration in the life or her husband, Dan and her children, Andrew, Sam and Katie. She will always be remembered for how she lived to serve Jesus and others. I will miss Gail’s life, love and laughter. She was my source of inspiration for life and ministry. Although her home going was so sudden and unexpected, we were doing exactly what God had called and gifted us to do. That remains my lifelong calling as I return to the USA for one year or Itineration in July 2017 and then back to Thailand in 2018.
We commemorated Gail's life together for a final time with our friends and family in the USA at a Memorial service at Grace Community Church on Wednesday, December 28 in Whittier, CA, followed by the internment at Rose Hills Memorial Park in Whittier CA.
So we say to Gail not good bye… but good night.. we will see you in the morning.